May 2, 2024
[rt_reading_time] min read

Retirement planning is a journey filled with uncertainties, but one question remains constant: How much is enough to retire on? It’s a question that demands careful consideration, personalised analysis, and strategic planning. As Chartered Financial Planners, we understand the importance of setting realistic retirement goals and crafting a financial roadmap to achieve them. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the factors that influence your retirement number and provide insights on how to determine what’s “enough” for you.

Understanding Your Retirement Needs

The first step in determining your retirement number is to assess your future financial needs. Consider your core expenditure, discretionary expenditure, anticipated expenses, and any additional financial goals you wish to pursue during retirement. Will you be traveling frequently, pursuing hobbies, or supporting loved ones? By splitting your retirement expenditure into its core and discretionary components you can identify your minimum income requirement. Remember, its important to factor in inflation and the value of any outstanding debts.

Calculating Your Retirement Income

Once you have a clear understanding of your retirement expenditure needs, the next step is to calculate your retirement income. This includes income from the state pension, defined benefit pensions, personal pensions, workplace pensions, ISAs and other investments. Take into account the expected rate of return on your investments and the impact of taxes on your retirement income.

Assessing Your Retirement Assets

Evaluate your current retirement savings and investments to determine if they align with your retirement goals. Consider the asset allocation of your investment portfolio, your risk tolerance, and the potential for growth over time. A key point to consider is your time horizon to retirement. Generally speaking and assuming you have the risk tolerance, the further away your retirement date the more risk you can bare.

Factoring in Inflation and Longevity

Inflation erodes the purchasing power of your money over time, so it’s crucial to account for inflation when calculating your retirement needs. Consider using a conservative inflation rate to adjust your retirement expenses accordingly. Additionally, with advances in healthcare and lifestyle, many individuals are living longer in retirement. Factor in your life expectancy when planning for retirement to ensure your savings will last throughout your golden years.

Seeking Professional Advice

Determining your retirement number is not a one-size-fits-all calculation. It requires careful analysis, consideration of various factors, and often the expertise of a financial adviser. An independent financial adviser can provide personalised advice tailored to your unique financial situation, helping you navigate complex investment decisions, optimise your retirement savings, and stay on track to achieve your retirement goals.


In summary, the question of how much is enough to retire on is a complex one that requires careful consideration and personalised analysis. By assessing your retirement needs, calculating your retirement income, evaluating your retirement assets, factoring in inflation and longevity, and seeking professional guidance, you can gain clarity on your retirement number and take proactive steps to achieve financial security in retirement. Remember, it’s never too early to start planning for retirement, so start today and pave the way for a secure and fulfilling retirement.

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